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Volunteering Dates & Times



  • 4/24/14- Direct seed arugula, chard, radish, spinach, potatoes. Seed tomatoes, tomatillos, summer squash and sunflower for farm. Seed winter/summer squash, pumpkins, and kale for plant sale. Seed kale for Food Co op.

  • 5/1/14- Weed in and out of beds, seeding late tray of kale for Co-Op, lay mulch and drip for melons and winter squash. Lay mulch for tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, and eggplant. Seed spinach, beets, peas, radish. Transplant collards, kale, chard, fennell. Attend Starter Barter at Avo's on May 3rd

  • 5/8/14- Seed second succession of cucumbers and head lettuce for farm. Direct seed carrots and turnips. Weed in and out of beds. Tend to perennials

  • 5/15/14-  Prepare for plant sale! Plant fruiting plants: cucumbers, squash, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, winter squash, melons, basil, parsely, and other herbs. Dig up raspberries to sell.  


Markets Begin May 22nd

Markets are the true days of artistic expression in a farmer's life. It is the day you rise before the sun with excitement in your heart. Your feet hit the floor running, coffee made and harvest knives ready to perform their duty. Like a sacred ritual, volunteers and farmers meet in the field, just before daybreak to harvest their bounty. Countless days spent in the heat weeding, dealing with mother nature's obstacles, irrigation difficulties, common pests, and crop failures come to a silence as you all gather the food you successfully grew in harmony. Tables set up. Baskets full of fruits and veggie galore. Signs prepared. And now all you do is sell what is most precious to you: fresh food. Come see us every Thursday at 630 West Lake Street 4-6 pm. May 22nd-October 9th

If you are curious about organic practices, in an agricultural/horticulture program, or just want to get your hands dirty, please get involved with the student farm! We host many volunteers and love to get to know people that are passionate and interested in organic agriculture. Until summer, our volunteer hours will be hosted on Thursdays at 630 West Lake Street in Fort Collins from 12-2 PM ( hours will vary). When harvest season arrives we will be hosting multiple volunteer days throughout the week along with a weekly market.


Annual Plant Sale May 17th


630 West Lake Street


The annual plant sale is a big day for the Student Farm. All of the donations go towards keeping the farm operating by contributing to seed, tool, tray, irrigation, remay, and other miscellaneous costs. By keeping the farm up and going, we are able to continue with community outreach and education throughout the Fort Collins Community. We chose to have our plant sale two weeks later this year, so when you buy your transplants you can put them in the ground immediately! We all know it's hard to care for the plants with busy schedules. On May 17th, there will be a 90% chance of no frost for the local area.

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